Configuring Apache Polaris (Incubating) for Production

The default polaris-server.yml configuration is intended for development and testing. When deploying Polaris in production, there are several best practices to keep in mind.



Notable configuration used to secure a Polaris deployment are outlined below.


Ensure that the tokenBroker setting reflects the token broker specified in authenticator below.

  • Configure OAuth with this setting. Remove the TestInlineBearerTokenPolarisAuthenticator option and uncomment the DefaultPolarisAuthenticator authenticator option beneath it.
  • Then, configure the token broker. You can configure the token broker to use either asymmetric or symmetric keys.


Ensure that the tokenBroker setting reflects the token broker specified in oauth2 above.

callContextResolver & realmContextResolver

  • Use these configurations to specify a service that can resolve a realm from bearer tokens.
  • The service(s) used here must implement the relevant interfaces (i.e. CallContextResolver and RealmContextResolver).

Metastore Management

The default in-memory implementation for metastoreManager is meant for testing and not suitable for production usage. Instead, consider an implementation such as eclipse-link which allows you to store metadata in a remote database.

A Metastore Manger should be configured with an implementation that durably persists Polaris entities. Use the configuration metaStoreManager to configure a MetastoreManager implementation where Polaris entities will be persisted.

Be sure to secure your metastore backend since it will be storing credentials and catalog metadata.

To use EclipseLink for metastore management, specify the configuration metaStoreManager.conf-file to point to an EclipseLink persistence.xml file. This file, local to the Polaris service, contains details of the database used for metastore management and the connection settings. For more information, refer to the metastore documentation.

[!IMPORTANT] EclipseLink requires

  1. Building the JAR for the EclipseLink extension
  2. Setting the eclipseLink gradle property to true.

This can be achieved by setting eclipseLink=true in the file, or by passing the property explicitly while building all JARs, e.g.: ./gradlew -PeclipseLink=true clean assemble


Before using Polaris when using a metastore manager other than in-memory, you must bootstrap the metastore manager. This is a manual operation that must be performed only once in order to prepare the metastore manager to integrate with Polaris. When the metastore manager is bootstrapped, any existing Polaris entities in the metastore manager may be purged.

By default, Polaris will create randomised CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET for the root principal and store their hashes in the metastore backend. In order to provide your own credentials for root principal (so you can request tokens via api/catalog/v1/oauth/tokens), set the following envrionment variables for realm name my_realm:


IMPORTANT: In case you use default-realm for metastore backend database, you won’t be able to use export command. Use this instead:


Now, to bootstrap Polaris, run:

java -jar /path/to/jar/polaris-service-all.jar bootstrap polaris-server.yml

or in a container:

bin/polaris-service bootstrap config/polaris-server.yml

Afterward, Polaris can be launched normally:

java -jar /path/to/jar/polaris-service-all.jar server polaris-server.yml

You can verify the setup by attempting a token issue for the root principal:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8181/api/catalog/v1/oauth/tokens -d "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=my-client-id&client_secret=my-client-secret&scope=PRINCIPAL_ROLE:ALL"

which should return:


Note that if you used non-default realm name, for example, iceberg instead of default-realm in your polaris-server.yml, then you should add an appropriate request header:

curl -X POST -H 'realm: iceberg' http://localhost:8181/api/catalog/v1/oauth/tokens -d "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=my-client-id&client_secret=my-client-secret&scope=PRINCIPAL_ROLE:ALL"

Other Configurations

When deploying Polaris in production, consider adjusting the following configurations:


  • By default Polaris catalogs are allowed to be located in local filesystem with the FILE storage type. This should be disabled for production systems.
  • Use this configuration to additionally disable any other storage types that will not be in use.